Prof. Dr. Roland Czada




Academic Teaching


SS 1981, WS 1981/82:

Labour market policies in OECD countries (undergraduate classes, University of Constance and Free University Berlin)

WS 1981/82:

Employers Associations in historical perspective: Germany and Great Britain compared (graduate class FU Berlin)

WS 1984/85:

Political Theory: Max Weber (undergraduate class University of Constance).

SS 1985:

Methods of Political research (undergraduate class University of Constance).

Politics of the Media I (Germany) (with G. Lehmbruch, graduate level, University of Constance).

WS 1985/86:


Political Theory – Intoductory Course (undergraduate class University of Constance).

Politics of the Media II (USA, UK, France) (with G. Lehmbruch, graduate level, University of Constance)..

SS 1986:

Labour market policies in OECD countries (undergraduate class University of Constance).

Welfare state problems  ‑ The Swedish Experience (graduate level, University of Constance)

WS 1986/87:

Methoden der empirischen Politikforschung (undergraduate class University of Constance).

Industrial relations and technological change (graduate level, University of Constance).

Administrative reactions on new problems I (with Alexander Drexler, graduate level, University of Constance).

SS 1987:

Institutional change in industrial societies (graduate level, University of Constance).

WS 1987/88:

Business associations in OECD countries (graduate level, University of Constance).

Administrative reactions on new problems II (with Alexander Drexler, graduate level, University of Constance).

SS 1988:

Politics and the energy-environment conflict (graduate level, University of Constance).

Wirtschaftsmodernisierung und Strukturpolitik in westlichen Industrieländern (graduate level, University of Constance).

WS 1988/89:

Political institutions and economic interests (graduate level, University of Constance).

Methods of empirical research (graduate level, University of Constance).

WS 1990:

Nuclear regulation in Germany, USA, UK and France (graduate level, University of Constance).

Politics and administration under stress: The chernobyl fallout in Western Europe (graduate level, University of Constance).

WS 1990/91:

Business associations and the political system (undergraduate class University of Constance).

Political choice ‑ Institutions und Decisions (graduate level, University of Constance).

Party competition and policy making (graduate level, University of Constance).

WS 1991/92:

How to analyse politico-administrative processes (graduate level, University of Constance).

Nuclear policy in western societies (graduate level, University of Constance).

WS 1992/93:

Logics of collective action and institutionalist theories (graduate level – University of Leipzig).

WS 1993/94:


Comparative Politics – Introduction (undergraduate level - Humboldt University Berlin).

Political Economy of industrial societies (graduate level Humboldt University Berlin).

Nuclear policy in western societies (graduate level Humboldt University Berlin).

SS 1995
SS 1996
SS 1997
SS 1998

Politics and policy making in Germany (class 3901 Fernuniversität Hagen[1]).

WS 1995/96
WS 1996/97
WS 1997/98

Environmental policy (Class 3902 Fernuniversität Hagen)

Social policy in OECD-countries (Class 3903 Fernuniversität Hagen).

WS 1995/96
SS 1996

Policy analysis – Introduction (Distant teaching center, Technical University Karlsruhe).

WS 1995/96
WS 1997/98

German unification policies (Class 3912 Fernuniversität Hagen).

WS 1996/97

State policies and societal self regulation (Seminar, Fernuniversität Hagen).

SS 1997
SS 1998
SS 1999

State theory – Hobbes, Locke, Franklin, Mandeville, Hege (Class 3916 Fernuniversität Hagen).

WS 1997/98
WS 1998/99

Regulatory politics (distant teching centres in Berlin und Oberhausen, class 3918 Regulative Politik, Fernuniversität Hagen).

WS 1997/98

Radio college "Germany in transition " and virtual (online) seminar: "A changing political economy "); Author of Textbook 11, „Property rights and the post-socialist transition process“.

SS 1998, 1999

Apllied policy analysis (class 3912, Fernuniversität Hagen)

SS 1999
SS 2000

Sectoral transformations in East Germany and Eastern Europe  (Fernuniversität class 3912)


Theories of Democratic Transformation
Democratic Transformation and Restorative Justice. The Case of Land Reform Policies
(University of Cape Town, South Africa)

2003 - 2005

Einführung in das Poltische System der Bundesrepublik
Theorie und Geschichte des Modernen Staates
Demokratie und Zivilgesellschaf








[1]        Classes at the Fernuniversität (distant teaching university) comprise the authoring and supervision of courses in Hagen, at different distant teaching centres and online seminars.