School of Cultural Studies
and Social Sciences |
Prof. Dr. Roland Czada
is chair in Government and Public Policy. He received his MA
(1979) in Political Science, Psychology and Cultural Studies from the
University of
Tübingen, and his doctorate (1986) in Political Science from the
University of Constance. The latter awarded him the venia legendi (Habilitation) in
Political and Administrative Sciences in 1992. Professor Czada has
taught and published on political systems and interest intermediation,
policy analysis, governance and administration, comparative political
economy and German politics. He held academic positions at the Free
University Berlin, the University of Constance, the Max Planck
Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne, the University of
Hagen as well as visiting appointments at the Humboldt University in
Berlin (1993), the University of Cape Town (Graduate School in
Humanities, 2001/2002), and the University of Tokyo (2003). His current
work is on the future of the state, new forms of governance, and on
welfare state reform policies.
· 1979: Master's degree from the Faculty for
Social and Behavioral
Sciences, University of Tübingen. Thesis on "The
Liberal Corporatism". Supervisors: Prof. G.
Lehmbruch and Prof.
G. Maier.
· 1986: Doctorate from the Faculty of Social Sciences,
University of
Konstanz. Thesis on "Conditions and effects of
the incorporation
of labour unions into state policy making".
Supervisors: Prof.
Gerhard Lehmbruch and Prof. Ralf Dahrendorf.
· 1992: Habilitation on Nuclear Safety Regulation in
Germany and
the USA, University of Constance, Faculty of

· 1972 -1974: Journalist at Süddeutscher
Zeitungsdienst in Aalen
and Südwestpresse in Ulm.
· 1980 - 1982: Research Fellow, University of Konstanz, DFG
research project on "Neocorporatist Policy-Making in Western
· 1982 - 1983: Lecturer at the Free University of Berlin,
Otto Suhr
Institute for Political Sciences.
· 1983 - 1984: On leave from the Free University. Editor in
Chief of
the local newspaper Gmünder Tagespost in Schwäbisch
· 1984 - 1986: Lecturer at the University of Constance,
Faculty of
Administrative Science.
· 1986 - 1992: Assistant professor, University of Konstanz.
Research Fellow DFG-SFB 201 "Administration in Flux".
· 1992 - 1995: Senior research fellow, Max Planck Institute
for the
Study of Societies, Cologne
· 1995 - 2002: Professor for Policy Analysis and
Fernuniversität Hagen, Department of Political
· 2002: Chair in Government and Public Policy, University of

Awards, Fellowships,
Research Grants:
Awards, Fellowships:
· 2000: Visiting Research Fellow Max-Planck-Institute for the Study
Societies, Cologne
· 2001 - 2002: Willy-Brandt-Chair in Social Transformation
Studies at
the Graduate School in Humanities, University of Cape Town,
South-Africa (DAAD-Name-Chair-Programme).
· 2003: Visiting Research Professor, Social-Science Institute
(Shaken), University of Tokyo.
Research Grants:
- 1987: Resarch
grant"Economic modernization and labour
market policies in a cross-
national perspective" and "Industrial
change and
interest intermediation, University of Constance"
(university research pool).
· 1986 - 1987: Research grant (with Alexander Drexler) "Coping
of public administrations in the face of new problems"
(university research pool).
·1987 - 1992: Nucelar Safety Regulation. Germany and the USA
compared". DFG: SFB 221 "Verwaltung im Wandel", University of Constance.
·1993 - 1997: "Organisational coping strategies in
the face of
contradicting success conditions: The Berlin Trust Agency"
the Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Societies,
Cologne) and "The THA in ist environment of politics and interest
groups" (Research group "Treuhandanstalt" Berlin).
· 1995 - 1997: "Sectoral transformation processes in
Germany" (Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of
· 1999: "From the Bonn to the Berlin Republic.
Politics, Economy
and Society after 1989". (with Hellmut
Wollmann, Fritz-Thyssen
· 2001: "Reconciliation, Resorative Justice, Remembrance"
(Conference: Sept. 2 - 4, Cape Town,
South Africa, financed by
· 2005: "Patterns of Non-Majoritarian
Governance and Political
System Dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa" (Conference:
- 12, Osnabrueck, Germany, financed by VolkswagenStiftung).
· 2005 / 2007: "Germany
Japan after 1989: Reform
Pressures and
political system dynamics" " (Joint Seminar Tokio,
Sept. 26 - 28, 2005, and Osnabrueck, Sept. 25-27,
2007, with Kenji Hirashima, co-financed by DFG and JSPS).

Service to
the profession:
Elected member of the Advisory Board of the German Political
Association - DVPW (1989-1992 and
· Editorial Advisory Board "Leviathan
Berliner Zeitschrift für
Sozialwissenschaft" (2000-2004)
· Co-editor "Leviathan - Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft"
(since February 2005)
· Accreditation comittees:
Institutional accreditation (Wissenschaftsrat / German Council of
Science and Humanities): Hertie School of Governance, Zeppelin
University Friedrichshafen
BA-, MA-Programmes: Univ, of Essen/Duisburg, Trier,
Duesseldorf, HSG, Berlin
· Academic Reviews and Reports for:
Politische Vierteljahresschrift,
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für
Schweizerische Zeitschrift
für Soziologie, Routledge-Publishers,
European Journal for
Political Research, Österreichische
Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, Leviathan, Zeitschrift für
Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, Volkswagen Foundation,
Fritz Thyssen-Foundation, State of Sachsen-Anhalt.
· Member of the selection committe
· External Reviewer and supervisor: (PhD- and Habiliation
committees: HU-Berlin, LSE London, RU Bochum etc.)
· Member of Selection Commitees at various universities.

· 2007 - : Academic Senat Univ. of Osnabrueck
· 2006 - : Member of the faculty council Social Science Faculty,
Univ. of Osnabrueck
· 2006 - 2009: Vice Dean of
the Social Science Department,
University of Osnabrueck
· 2004 - 2006: Dean of
the Social Science Department, University of
· 1996 - 2002: Member of the faculty council, Faculty
for Education,
Social Sciences and Humantites, Fernuniversität
· 1998 - 2000: Dean of the Faculty for Education,
Social Sciences
and Humantites, Fernuniversität Hagen.
· 1997 - 2000: Director, Political Science Department,
Fernuniversität Hagen.
· 1989, 2000: Steering Committee for the University
faculty elections (Fernuniversität Hagen.
· 1987 - 1990: Member of the faculty council (Social
science faculty,
University of Constance (1987-1990).
· 1979: Student representative, election committee for
the faculty
elections (Univ. Tübingen).
· 1997/98: Member of the Rectors Task Force on
Multimedia and
University Teaching".
· 1989 - 1990: Faculty curriculum committee, Faculty
Administration and Management, University of Constance.
· 1989: Member of the "Computer Investment Program
Committee" University of Constance.
· 1986, 1989: Member in appointment committees "labour
(1986) und "social administration" (1989), Social Science
Univ. of Constance.

Counselling and
· 1993: German
Parliament, Bonn, Treuhandanstalt-Committee
(Reorganisation of the
Treuhandanstalt / Bundesanstalt
Vereinigungsbedingte Sonderaufgaben)
· 1993: Ministry for Unification
Korea, Seoul (German Unifcation
· 1995: Shell Germany (Deutsche
Shell AG), Hamburg (Brent Spar,
Risk Policy and Desastermanagement).
· 1994: South-African Constitutional
Commission, Committee on
Federalism (South-African Federalism).
· 2001 - 2004: German Agency for
Technical Cooperation
(Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit
-GTZ), Eschborn
(Concepts of Good Governance, Counselling on
· 2005: Mummert Consulting (Hartz IV
evaluation, governance

Seminarstrasse 33 , R. 04/205
49069 Osnabrück
Tel: +49 541 969 6024
Fax: +49 541 969 16024

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Germany and Japan after 1989. Reform Pressures and Political System
"Good Governance" als Leitkonzept für Regierungs-handeln - Grundlagen, Anwendungen, Kritik.  |
··· Deutsche